You survived Monday! Congratulations!
Holiday break is right around the corner, can you smell it?! Smells like cookies and fudge to me!! At this point, you're probably dragging. Maybe feeling a little drained. It's been a long semester! Just relax. Take a deep breath. Maybe 2... and check out my Holiday Pack with some goodies to get you through the end of 2015!
Included are:
5 song choice cards with holiday favorites (what I love: appropriate graphics for all ages! Let students select their favorites, and you enjoy a chord sheet on the back to fill in those end-of-semester brain blips! I've even included a few goal and strategy suggestions to get those holiday juices flowing!)
Music and Literature Strategy (what I love: the book has beautiful illustrations and content that is mature enough for secondary students! I found mine in stores, so give your local store a call and snatch it up!)
Music and Movement Strategy Ideas (what I love: Look. It's not rocket science. Sometimes it just helps to have a list of songs and some suggestions for how to use them!)
Music and Texture Strategy and Visual Aid (what I love: multi-sensory strategies are engaging to most all levels of disability, and are particularly helpful in engaging our students with visual or other sensory impairments!)
'Holidays Around the World' Strategy and Visual Aid (what I love: this visual aid uses a simple familiar tune to describe 4 December holidays!)
<3 Patina Joy